2nd OpenChina – ICT Thematic Workshop
on Internet of Things and Future Internet
Park Plaza Hotel
– Beijing Science Park, P.R. China on August 23, 2013
Organised by the
OpenChina – ICT project, under the aegis of the European Commission and supported
by MOST and MIIT
The OpenChina
– ICT project, supported by the European Commission (Directorate General for
Communications Networks, Content and Technology, DG CONNECT) through its FP7
research – funding programme, aims at significantly contributing to the
facilitation of ICT related research cooperation between Europe and China.
OpenChina-ICT directly addresses the
research level and gives ICT research stakeholders concrete EU-China ICT
Cooperation Plan, which will detail current and emerging priorities for
international cooperation and advise not only the European Commission, as the
main addressee, but also the Chinese government on how to design effective and
mutually beneficial international research cooperation programmes. The development
of this EU-China ICT Cooperation Plan will be accompanied by the coordination
of regular meetings between Chinese and European officials.
The concept of this workshop is to
organize a forum bringing together policy and main research stakeholders from
Europe and China specialized on the topics and to create feasible research
collaboration with the emergence of concrete projects. The outcomes will be
used to produce the “EU-China Cooperation Plan” presenting the potential for collaboration
in ICT research between Europe and China, including a set of recommendations to
policy makers on how to better foster collaboration in the future.
An audience
of 50 to 70 participants is targeted. The workshop will include a plenary
session to give an overview of the status and perspectives of ICT research
collaboration between Europe and China, and parallel thematic sessions during
which working groups will strive to thoroughly discuss sub – themes and
identify short- term cooperation projects.
2nd OpenChina-ICT Thematic Workshop on Internet of Things and Future
Internet is organized in collocation with iThings2013 International Conference
on Internet of Things held on August 20-23, 2013.
2nd OpenChina-ICT Thematic Workshop on Internet
of Things and Future Internet 中欧信息通讯合作-物联网和未来互联网主题研讨会 Friday August 23, 2013 Park Plaza Beijing Science Park , Beijing, P.R. China 时间:2013年8月23日 地点:北京丽亭华苑酒店,中国北京 |
Time时间 |
Program议程 |
Venue地点 |
Opening Session开幕 主持人(Moderator): Camille TORRENTI
Sigma Orionis 技术咨询公司项目负责人 |
08:00-09:00 |
Registration 会议注册报到 |
Hong Yun Hall, the 2nd
floor of Park Plaza Beijing Science Park (北京丽亭华苑酒店
鸿运厅) |
09:00-10:00 |
of VIPs and speakers by Moderator--Camille TORRENTI 与会重要嘉宾及讲者介绍 |
Opening Speeches 致开幕辞 |
Delegation of the European Union to China 欧盟驻华代表团代表 |
Union Chamber of Commerce in China 中国欧盟商会代表 |
Welcome Speeches 致欢迎词 |
Ministry of
Science and Technology of P.R. China 中华人民共和国科学技术部代表 Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology of P.R. China 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部代表 |
Speech 主旨演讲 |
Kay MATZNER, OpenChina-ICT Project Coordinator, Fraunhofer IFF 演讲嘉宾:Kay
项目协调人 |
EU-China Developments in the Area of Resilience and Privacy 中欧网络基础应变弹性和隐私保护的发展概况 Moderator and
presenter: Danilo HOLLOSI, Project Group Hearing,
Privacy in IoT and Future Internet
Applications 主持人:Danilo HOLLOSI 项目小组听议员,物联网和未来互联网应用相关隐私保护专家 |
10:00-10:45 |
François CARREZ, University of Surrey 演讲嘉宾:François CARREZ,英国萨里大学 |
Hong Yun Hall, the 2nd
floor of Park Plaza Beijing Science Park (北京丽亭华苑酒店 二层 鸿运厅) |
LI Zhoujun,Professor, Beihang University (TBC) 演讲嘉宾:李舟军教授,北京航空航天大学(待定) |
DONG Qinling, Professor, School of International Relation, University of International Business and Economics 演讲嘉宾:董青岭,对外经济贸易大学国际关系学院国际政治系 |
10:45-11:00 |
Coffee Break 茶歇 |
EU-China Developments in the Area of Future Internet 中欧未来互联网发展概况 Moderator: Latif LADID, Founder
and President of the IPv6 Forum, Chairman of the European IPv6 Task Force 主持人: Latif LADID,IPv6论坛主席兼创始人,欧洲 IPv6研究组主席 |
11:00-12:00 |
Keynote Speeches 主旨演讲 |
Hong Yun Hall, the 2nd floor
of Park Plaza Beijing Science Park (北京丽亭华苑酒店
鸿运厅) |
Martin POTTS, FP7 ECIAO Project Coordinator, Coordinator of the
FIRE research roadmap for H2020 演讲嘉宾:Martin POTTS,欧盟第七框架计划ECIAO项目协调人,地平线2020计划FIRE研究路线图协调人 |
Philippe COUSIN, FP7 ECIAO European Project Manager 演讲嘉宾:Philippe COUSIN,欧盟第七框架计划ECIAO项目欧方负责人 |
ZENG Yan, Vice Director, Network and Information Division of S&T Development
Center, Ministry of Education and General Secretary, Internet
Innovation Union 演讲嘉宾:曾艳,教育部科技发展中心网络信息处副处长,互联网应用创新开放平台联盟秘书长 |
BI Jun, Professor, Network Information
Center, Tsinghua
University (TBC) 演讲嘉宾:毕军教授,清华大学网络中心(待定) |
12:00-12:30 |
Panel Discussion (Panelists) 小组讨论及其成员 |
Hong Yun Hall, the 2nd floor
of Park Plaza Beijing Science Park (北京丽亭华苑酒店
鸿运厅) |
Martin POTTS,欧盟第七框架计划ECIAO项目协调人,地平线2020计划FIRE研究路线图协调人
黄煜,锐捷网络Dragonlab项目协调人兼推广负责人 |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch Break 午餐 |
EU-China Developments in the Area of Internet of Things 中欧物联网发展概况 Moderator: Philippe COUSIN, Expert of the EU-China IoT Advisory Group, EU-China ECIAO Project, FP7 FI-STAR Project 主持人:Philippe COUSIN,中欧物联网顾问组专家,中欧ECIAO项目专家,欧盟第七框架计划FI-STAR项目专家 |
13:30-15:00 |
Keynote Speeches 主旨演讲 |
Hong Yun Hall, the 2nd
floor of Park Plaza Beijing Science Park (北京丽亭华苑酒店
鸿运厅) |
Alex GLUHAK, Project Coordinator, FP7
SocioTal project University of Surrey 演讲嘉宾:Alex GLUHAK,欧盟第七框架计划SocioTal项目协调人,英国萨里大学 |
Pedro MALO, Project Coordinator, FP7 EAR-IT project, Uninova (Institute
for the Development of New Technologies) 演讲嘉宾:Pedro MALO,欧盟第七框架计划EAR-IT项目协调人,葡萄牙Uninova研究所 |
LI Haihua Senior Engineer, IoT Center,
CATR, MIIT 演讲嘉宾:李海花,工信部电信研究院物联网中心高级工程师 |
LI Yanbin, Senior Engineer, Huawei
Technologies Co., Ltd. 演讲嘉宾:李艳斌,华为高级工程师 |
Panel Discussion (Panelists) 小组讨论及其成员 |
Alex GLUHAK,欧盟第七框架计划SocioTal项目协调人,英国萨里大学
Pedro MALO,欧盟第七框架计划EAR-IT项目协调人,葡萄牙Uninova研究所
François CARREZ,物联网论坛IoT-i项目协调人
周开宇,中国电信高级工程师 |
15:00-15:15 |
Coffee Break 茶歇 |
Parallel working groups on sub-topics 子话题工作组 The conference room will be divided into three areas for each working
group. Participants will be invited to join one of the three groups (based on
their expertise/interest) to discuss the potential for collaboration on those
sub-topics.会场将分成三个工作组讨论区,参会代表根据专业领域或个人兴趣选择某一工作组,就相关子话题进行合作意向探讨。 |
15:15-16:45 |
Group 1: Internet of
Things Architecture Moderators: Philippe
COUSIN & ZHANG Xueli 第一组:物联网的结构 主持人:Philippe COUSIN和张雪丽 |
Hong Yun Hall, the 2nd
floor of Park Plaza Beijing Science Park (北京丽亭华苑酒店
鸿运厅) |
Group 2: Future
Internet Test-Beds & IPv6 Moderators: Latif
LADID & XU Guibao 第二组:未来互联网测试床与IPv6 主持人:Latif LADID和徐贵宝 |
Group 3: Resilience and
Privacy Moderator: Danilo
HOLLOSI 第三组:网络基础应变弹性与隐私保护 主持人:Danilo HOLLOSI |
Wrap-up & Roadmap: Which concrete cooperation could be developed in the short to medium term? 会议总结&未来路线图:短中期内将达成何具体合作? |
16:45-17:15 |
Working Groups
Conclusions 工作组结论汇报 |
Hon Yun Hall, the 2nd
floor of Park Plaza Beijing Science Park (北京丽亭华苑酒店
鸿运厅) |
Philippe COUSIN / Latif
Roadmap &
Opportunities 合作路线图&机遇 |
OpenChina-ICT Project Coordinator, Fraunhofer IFF 德国弗劳恩霍夫工厂运行和自动化研究所,OpenChina-ICT项目协调人 |
Concluding Words 总结发言 |
Delegation of the
European Union to China 欧盟驻华代表团代表 |
17:15 |
End of Workshop 闭幕 |